Exploring the Ethics of Clinical Xenotransplantation (contract signed with Routledge; Daniel Hurst, Adam Omelianchuk, co-authors)
Edited Volume
New Omnivorism and Strict Veganism: Critical Perspectives (Routledge, co-edited with Cheryl Abbate)
Published Papers
"Battlefield Triage: A Resolvable Moral Tragedy" forthcoming in Voices in Bioethics (with Daniel Hurst)
"The promise of xenotransplantation: a challenge" forthcoming in Journal of Medical Ethics (with Adam Omelianchuk & Daniel Hurst)
"Risky first-in-human clinical trials on medically fragile persons: Owning the moral cost" forthcoming in Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics
"Xenotransplantation and ethical stewardship" forthcoming in The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly
"Advances and ethical issues in xenotransplantation" forthcoming in The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly
"Defending genetic disenhancement in xenotransplantation" Journal of Medical Ethics (Daniel Rodger--first author--and 2 others)
"Xenotransplantation Clinical Trials: Should Patients with Diminished Capacity be Permitted to Enroll?" Xenotransplantation (Daniel Rodger--first author---and three others)
"Xenotransplantation under the Food and Drug Administration’s Expanded Access pathway" American Journal of Transplantation (with Daniel Hurst & Daniel Rodger)
"Genetic Disenhancement and Xenotransplantation: Diminishing Pigs’ Capacity to Experience Suffering through Genetic Engineering" Journal of Medical Ethics (Daniel Rodger--first author--and 2 others)
"Equitable Participant Selection Concerns for First-In-Human Whole-Eye Transplantation" American Journal of Bioethics
"A rule-based solution to opaque medical billing in the U.S." Journal of Law, Medicine, & Ethics
"Pediatric Cardiac Xenotransplantation: Recommendations for the Ethical Design of Clinical Trials" Transplantation (Daniel Hurst--first author--and 7 others)
"Does xenotransplantation offer a large benefit for human patients?" The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon
"Animal rights, animal research, and the need to reimagine science" The New Bioethics (with Noah Reinhardt, Kate Pawlowski)
"Xenograft recipients and the right to withdraw from a clinical trial" Bioethics (with Daniel Hurst, Daniel Rodger, Adam Omelianchuk)
"Virtue ethics and the spheres of morality framework" American Journal of Bioethics
"Xenotransplantation and lifelong monitoring" American Journal of Transplantation (with Daniel Hurst & Daniel Rodger)
"Xenotransplantation clinical trials and equitable patient selection" Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics (with Daniel Rodger)
"Why humans kill animals and why we cannot avoid it" Science of the Total Environment (with Benjamin Allen-1st author-and 14 others)
"The impairment argument and future-like-ours: A problematic dependence" Journal of Bioethical Inquiry
"In defense of xenotransplantation research: because of, not in spite of, animal welfare concerns" Xenotransplantation (with Daniel Rodger, Daniel Hurst, Adam Omelianchuk)
"A Practical Problem for Proponents of Heterologous Embryo Transfer" The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly
"Compassionate Conservation is indistinguishable from traditional forms of conservation in practice" Frontiers in Psychology (with Benjamin Allen)
"Is a vegetarian diet morally safe?" Zeitschrift für Ethik und Moralphilosophie
"Thomas Aquinas on the Relation Between Cognition and Emotion" The Thomist
"Extending the Impairment Argument to Sentient Non-Human Animals" Between the Species
“New Omnivorism: A Novel Approach to Food and Animal Ethics" Food Ethics (with Josh Milburn)
"What would the virtuous person eat? The case for virtuous omnivorism" Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics
“The virtue of compassion in compassionate conservation” Conservation Biology (with Benjamin Allen)
"Why appeals to the moral significance of birth are saddled with a dilemma" Journal of Medical Ethics (with Adam Omelianchuk)
"A Critical Examination of the False Hope Harms Argument" Bioethics
"A Dilemma for Appeals to the Moral Significance of Birth" Journal of Medical Ethics (with Adam Omelianchuk)
"Orphans and the Relational Significance of Birth: A Response to Singh" Journal of Medical Ethics
"Revisiting Thomas Hobbes on the Passions" Pacific Philosophical Quarterly
"Should we eat the human-pig chimera?" Food Ethics
“The Hopeful Leviathan: Hope, Deliberation, and the Commonwealth” Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie
“Aquinas on the emotion of hope: A psychological or theological treatment?” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly
“Thomas Aquinas on the Virtues of Character and Virtuous Ends” (with Alexander Stöpfgeshoff) Review of Metaphysics
“Should Moral Vegetarians Avoid Eating Vegetables?” Food Ethics
“Thomas Aquinas on the Basis of the Irascible-Concupiscible Division,” Res Philosophica
"Varieties of the cruelty-based objection to factory farming" Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics
“Why hope is not a moral virtue: Aquinas’s insight” Ratio
“Repairing humanity's broken watch: Leibniz on original sin” Studia Leibnitiana
“Hope and practical deliberation” Analysis
“Deflating moods,” The Southwest Philosophy Review
Papers in Edited Volumes
"Parental Rights, Children’s Rights, and Adoption" (forthcoming) in Human Embryo Adoption, 2nd edition
"New omnivore policy: Friend or foe of veganism?" in New Omnivorism and Strict Veganism: Critical Perspectives